Naofumi Iwatani, an uncharismatic Otaku who spends his days on games and manga, suddenly finds himself summoned to a parallel universe! He discovers he is one of four heroes equipped with legendary weapons and tasked with saving the world from its prophesied destruction. As the Shield Hero, the weakest of the heroes, all is not as it seems. Naofumi is soon alone, penniless, and betrayed. With no one to turn to, and nowhere to run, he is left with only his shield. Now, Naofumi must rise to become the legendary Shield Hero and save the world!
LN information (LNDB)(.epub)(official)
Spinoff: Yari no Yuusha no Yarinaoshi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, Supernatural
Volume 01 or (Mirror)
Volume 02 or (Mirror)
Volume 03 or (Mirror)
Volume 04 or (Mirror)
Volume 05 or (Mirror)
Volume 06 or (Mirror)
Volume 07 or (Mirror)
Volume 08 or (Mirror)
Volume 09 or (Mirror)
Volume 10 or (Mirror)
Volume 11 or (Mirror)
or (Mirror)
Volume 13 or (Mirror)
Volume 14 or (Mirror)
Volume 15 or (Mirror)
Volume 16 or (Mirror)
Volume 17 or (Mirror)
Volume 18 or (Mirror) or (Mobile)
Volume 20 or (Mirror) Higher quality images and fixed cover not showing 21-Jun-2020
Volume 21 or (Mirror)
Volume 22 or (Mirror)
Updated December 27, 2021
Volume 19 or (Mirror) Higher Quality Illustrations
Next volume est. TBD
Does anyone knows why the text appears sideways? Or Is just me? On any other book that I have downloaded here, the text appears normal, except on this series.
“Vol 1-6 have the language set wrong in the epub file OPF.
Set to: ja
Probably this
Hi, have you updated the books yet?
Vol 1-6 have the language set wrong in the epub file OPF.
Set to: ja
Could you fix them for everyone else?
Hey Fyi Vol 1-6 have the language set wrong in the epub file OPF.
Set to: ja
When it should be En for english.
Drove me up a wall trying to figure out why google play books was reading the book with a Japanese accent. Turns out it was this setting after some trial an error. Can you please edit those 6 for everyone else. Thanks again for your awesome work on the website! 🙂
So my EPUB reader is showing that volume 1 has only 220 pages and the physical copy has around 300 pages. Is something missing from content or what? Please someone explain
EPUB resizes according to your screen size. So if you have a giant screen, you may even have only 1 page for the ebook. EPUB allows you to adjust font size too, so if you set them bigger, you’ll end up with more pages.
Yeah that’s might be it? I have already checked the number of chapters and every thing seems fine. it is still weird tho, i’m reading the novel on 6.4 inch phone(i have avery thing on deafoult). But for me the content is most important, Since that coment i am arleady done with volume 1 and am in the middle of volume 2 and i thing every thing seem consistant till this moment. Thanks for clearyfiing
Vol 16 link won’t give me the mega page.
refresh? use a different browser? adjust your ad blocker? I just tested and it’s working fine still.
Hi. Thanks for your hard work. Having said that, volume 22 have the wrong first colour image, the one appearing just one character. That’s the one from volume 21. Can you do something about it? Thanks.
No, that’s the one provided by the publisher. If you go to kobo or amazon and look at the preview for the book, you’ll see that it’s the way the publisher decided. If you think it’s a mistake, you can contact the publisher about it.
Thanks for letting me know that. And sorry for bothering you. And… you are right. I should tell the publisher I’m downloading an illegal copy from your page hahaha
Nah, you dont need to tell them that. You can just say you bought a copy from kobo and noticed the issue bla bla bla.
Any news about Volumen 22?
When the vol 21?
Hey man i think the Vol 19 cover is broken
i just realized it now lmao that you mention the vol 20 cover was fixed
I actually did a stealth fix for vol 19 last time already, so just redownload from the link and you can get the fixed version
When will volume 20 release?
Nice vol 19! thx!
Let’s Go!!! Volume 19 🙂
Where can i find it?
Mirror is down, i can’t open the Volume 19 it says “Wrong password or File is corrupted” i tried typing the password that was said and i also tried redownloading.
Firstly, read the FAQ. and the mirror doesn’t go down so fast, not for yandex at least. Yandex will still allow you to download as long as you log in and copy to your own drive.
Volumes 9 and 10 take me to and Google says it has viruses?
Read the FAQs. Just bypass the warnings because these links will get flagged from time to time. Files are fine, upload to and see for yourself.