A Shameful Life: (Ningen Shikkaku)


The story of a young woman’s quest to become a knight while hiding her saintly power!

Born into a long line of knights, Fia is determined to become a knight herself, just like all her siblings. But a brush with death awakens memories of her past life as a Saint–a woman who wields rare, powerful healing and protection magic–along with the ability to use that magic herself! The downside is that Fia also remembers her past life’s untimely death, and the danger she will be in if anyone finds out what she really is. She vows to stay on her knighthood path and keep her powers a secret forever! But how can she resist using her newfound powers when they’re just so useful?

人間失格にんげんしっかくNo Longer Human

LN information (.epub)(wiki) RSS feed
Genre: Japanese Literature
A Shameful Life: (Ningen Shikkaku) or (Mirror) Gibeau’s 2018 translation
No Longer Human or (Mirror) Keene’s 1958 translation
Note: Both are the same novel, just different translations with different titles

Keene’s version is slightly more polished as a reading experience, but Gibeau’s version is a slightly more faithful translation

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